Don’t you just love learning? It’s so cool when you discover something new or interesting. This week our talented writers took to their laptops and devices writing about something interesting that they were able to share with YOU! Our readers.
Hi fellow readers! How are you? we are talking about something that we've learnt about this week? Something that I learnt this week is how to cope with challenges. You might ask "Angelina what challenges are you facing?" A challenge that I'm facing is bullying, I will give you some tips on how to prevent any further bullying that i researched today, I dont want any bullying to come your way either at home or at school. tip 1- Speak to someone who you trust. tip 2- Walk away. tip 3- Speak up to the bully. Be strong. tip 4- Ignore. Have you ever been bullied? If you are, you're not alone. I feel bullying is often a natural part of high school, and its something most people have to learn how to process, or deal with. What have you done to stop the bullying? Hopefully those 4 tips will help you for now and for the future. I'm so happy that our readers take the time to read our blogs! :) Thank you! - Angelina I've researched today on toy poodles because I have a toy poodle. My dog loves my mate Krystle but she wants to take my dog home. My dog is a miniature poodle she is a little too old so I'm looking after her and she always in my room and sleeps on my bed. I make sure she is safe with me. My toy poodle tries to talk to me she makes noise when she is talking. I learnt today that poodles don't have fur like dogs she has hair and can brush it and style it like a person. I love my dog – TJ On Wednesday it was world otter day! Otters are such strange and wonderful creatures, especially the small clawed Asian river otter which is undoubtedly the cutest animal in the world. You wanna know why? Here are some fun facts about these mammals in their habitat. The word Otter is from old English and stems from the root word for water and the river otters did almost go extinct but with the help from Indiana waters in 1995. It took them 10 years to get them off the endangered list, but they still need help as they are still vulnerable to poaching and habitat loss. They are often revered to ‘puppies of the river’ because of their playful and curious nature and funny enough, highly intelligent. They can weigh from 2 to 5 kilograms and eat crustaceans and fish and sometimes cooked chicken as their diet, they are one of the most charismatic animals in the world using their squeaks for multiple social cues in their everyday life. Holly Welcome to toy-world by Jess I volunteer on Tuesday and you can find me in the toy section at Vinnies. My job is to sort out donations. I clean and price all items that I have sorted on the day. This week I have learnt with the manager’s help to price the merchandise. It was a lot easier than I expected and I may be doing this more often over the next few weeks before I leave. It was fun finding all the different animals and plush toys, especially the Builder Bears, they are my favourites. I just love them. For me, Vinnies is a safe place to work and go to buy things. The staff are so friendly and helpful like a second family to me. If you are thinking of volunteering especially as last week was National Volunteers week please look at doing this at a Vinnie's store I have been with Vinnies for 23/10/2016 Have you learnt anything new this week? Love from TOY STORY JESS Dear readers this weeks topic was something I learnt this week. To be honest I have another conundrum, however I just realised it’s 13 days to my birthday YAY!!!!! Anyway, let me start by telling you about what I learnt this week I learnt that sometimes if you plan something it’s ok if that doesn't go the way you want and if you plan something else sometimes that plan can be a good back up and I also learnt that sometimes if you're sick then that's ok as well and the positive is you will get better. I found a quote on Pinterest but I don’t normally put a quote into my blogs. What does the quote say? It says “Never give up hope because your miracle could be right around the corner. Have faith, be patient and stay positive”. What’s something you learnt this week? Written by Charlotte Hi fan club, today’s topic is something I learnt about my favourite animal. My favourite animal is snow leopards and I have learnt some interesting facts, which I will share with you. They like the cold weather and they live in mountains in Nepal their main prey is the blue sheep but they are not actually blue. Snow leopards can purr and meow like a cat. They are closely related to tigers rather than leopards and another fact is that they are solitary animals only seen with company for mating or looking after their young, they have between two or four cubs. Did you know they can kill other animals up to three times their own weight. They call this their PREY. That’s what I learnt this week. I love snow leopards but they’re endangered animals and need to protected. They are very gorgeous and they are known not to harm humans and they are extremely shy. I have never seen one but I have seen lots of photos of them and I really like to research about them thank you for reading my blog I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, Bethany. How many different breeds of cows are there? Hello Friends, Today's topic is a mixture of your ‘favourite animal’ and ‘what I learnt this week’, now I love all animals big and small, so it is hard to pick just one. I need to be honest here and say that even though I suggested one of our blended topics I had no idea where to start or what to write. I enlisted the help of a good friend and asked what I should write about and learn about. She suggested ‘how many different breeds of cows are there?’ so let's get a moove on and get our learning hats on! I'm going to tell you how many breeds and then throw in something interesting about cows too. In Australia we have 50 different breeds of beef cows so to save time and writing space I'll name the most well-known breeds of the beef cows, which are Angus, Hereford, Brahman and Droughtmaster. I think the one you hear most about is Angus, it's the one I have heard most about. As for the Dairy cows we have in Australia there are 7 breeds, Holstein, Jersey, Aussie Red, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Illawarra, and Ayrshire cows. When I see cows, I've never really thought about their different breeds I just say ‘Hi Friends’ and admire the cow friends in passing. I do have a favourite kind of cow though. My favourite cow is the Highland cow (from Scotland), mainly because they are super fluffy but also because my sister and best friend love them. They are super cute and beautiful gentle cows. Let's get onto a cow fact; did you know that cows can have best friends! They are very social animals and like us will pick a best friend among their cow friendship group. They are even said to get stressed when separated from their best friend. I love that cows are such gentle creatures if you are kind to them. What do you love about cows? Thank you for joining us with another "Just Write" blog and have a wonderful day. Your friend Shan Welcome back to our cozy little corner of the internet, my dear lovely readers. Today, we’re discussing something we learned this week or what we have learned about our favourite animals. The quote of the day: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift that we can shape and mould to create the future we want”. Discovering new things about yourself can be overwhelming. Today I'm writing about something that caught my attention this week, and it has been a subject of great interest to me. I have learned a lot about it and I plan to share my thoughts. In recent days, I have noticed a shift in my outlook and attitude and no one should ever tell you to change back to the person they wanted you to be again, because being yourself is the most beautiful thing you can be. I also have realised the reason why I have changed, is that I have started working and this has been a big change in my life. It affects my interaction with my family, my life has taken a big turn and so my attitude has caught up. I didn't know this but I may have some built-up anger in me, I cannot vent to anyone because I feel like I will have a mental breakdown or just lose it at everyone. (I am happy to share this information just so you know)! So I feel like writing about this in blogging, writing helps me to work past my attitude and how I'm feeling. This is something I’ve learned this week and I’m glad I have. Thanks you for taking the time reading my blog Signing out my readers. See ya next yime Kathryn My most favourite animal are dogs because the are very beautiful in personality, they’re extremely funny, they get up to lots of mischief, they love to bark and look out the window. Dogs love lots of cuddles, they love a pat, and they always let you know when someone is at the front door or when they see someone. Dogs also let you know when there is something wrong because they can sense it. Dogs are amazing, they can see things we can not see with our human eyes and they can hear things that humans cannot hear. As dogs have high senses. Dogs are very clever, they are loving and affectionate too. They can also bring you lots of happiness. Every dog has different personalities and are also very highly intelligent. Dogs have feelings and emotions and they feel physical discomfort like we do and like every other animal would. I have five dogs that I love and adore so much, they are my everything and they are my whole world. I have three Pomeranians, one Tibetan Spaniel cross Pomeranian and one Chihuahua. They can be cheeky and playful. Each of my dogs are different in there personalities. My tiny Pomeranian Gracie is a grumpy bum, number two is my Chihuahua, Prince is grumpy bum number one, my Chihuahua is feisty as Chihuahuas can be. Little dogs are known for being feisty and my other three dogs are passive and calm. My three Pomeranians names are Snow white but I call her Snowy, Squeaky, Gracie, Prince and Lucky. I never get bored with my dogs, they keep me really busy and I would not know what I would do without them. I really love my dogs so much, they are the best in the whole world. Last week I learnt that there are swans at Hastings forshore, I saw lots of black swans and my support worker said they are seen there all the time. I love swans. Thank you for reading my blog Gipsy
Let's get the conversation started...
Hello my friends, For the people who have never had a conversation with me I am not great at small talk, I will avoid conversations all together if I feel awkward or am talking to a stranger because of anxiety. However, if I get excited about a topic you better strap yourself in because I will talk your ears right off. I am in no way a social butterfly and I don't seek out conversation but if you want to talk about whale sharks and how they are not actually whales at all, or space and how Pluto not being listed as a planet enrages me, I’ll talk about all books until the cows come home, you should ask me about rainbows (I LOVE rainbows) and if given the chance I'll ask you all about your interests because you are important too my friend! I have lost myself in conversations on war history and how important it is to learn about the events of the past so that we do not repeat them, we need to learn from the past so that we can move forward as a society and make our earth a wonderful place for all. Because I'm all about learning and kindness! We can all share our differing opinions in conversations, as long as everyone is respectful in the conversation everything will be tickety-boo! Fun fact, Tickety-boo is another way to say it's all good or in good order. There’s another conversation starter, old time words and their meanings. The first step in a friendship is a good conversation and it can be the gateway to an everlasting friendship or in some cases the first step to finding your soul mate, if that's what you're looking for. (not me) . What gets you going in a conversation? Do you enjoy talking to people or animals or plants or yourself or even the fridge? I'm not here to judge, I'll just be happy for you. Have a wonderful day filled with sunshine! All my love and kindness Shan Hi fellow readers! How are you? We all have conversations, and today we are talking about how we get conversations started and the topics we like to talk about. A topic I love to bring up in conversation is the universe of Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a fantasy based universe of movies and books that bring many people joy and happiness. Harry Potter in the movies is played by Daniel Radcliffe and along with his friends Ron and Hermonie played by Emma Watson and Rupert Grint. 'm going to be honest with you all readers, I have only read one Harry Potter book because I find that reading and visualising is hard, so I choose to watch the movies instead, I find that is better. What do you think ? Do you think the same or different? My favourite parts of the movies are:- 1. Sirius Black meeting Harry Potter. 2. Dobby is an elf, Harry gives Dobby a sock in order for his freedom. 3. The friendship between Harry, Hermonie and Ron. 4. Bellatrix's death. 5. Lord Voldemort's death 6. The memories of Professor Snape and Lily. What about you? Are you a Harry Potter fan? If so, what are your favourite parts? I've been to the Harry Potter experience and its awesome, it gives a behind the scene view of the stories. Another fact, J.K Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter franchise and I am a fan of the Harry Potter films. I am a big Harry Potter fan and I know lots of people love Harry Potter too, so I know its a great conversation starter. Chances are someone you talk too will be a Harry Potter fan too. – Angelina Hi my readers, this weeks topic is on how to get a conversation started, and mine is about holidays. A topic I like to bring up in conversation is holidays. I've been on holidays many times and I get super excited about a new holiday. The next big trip I'm going on with my family and neighbours is Bali. I am already counting the days that is how happy this make me. I will be going in 5 months and 10 days. The next holiday I will be going is in 1 month and 1 day and that is the Blues Festival in Echuca / Moama. I will go with my mum and her best friend. Katie my best friend is also going with her family so I probably will see Katie there too. The Blues festival is a 3-day event and it is going to be held on Thursday till Sunday. The Blues Festival is a live music event with different artists and at different venues, I can't wait to spend some time with my mum and my friends. Most people like to go on holidays so it is a great conversation starter. – Alannah Hi friends, today's topic is conversation starters and my topic is going to be Morning Melodies that happens every second Tuesday of the month at our local community hub Balla Balla in Clyde North. Morning Melodies is where people in our neighbourhood come to listen to live music and people of all ages come to share a cuppa with a delicious scone with their friends or make new friends. I'm involved with Yumbrella and we serve scones to the people. Let me tell you what we do when it comes to making the scones, we use a special recipe and make them by hand under the guidance of Jessy, she is amazing and we have lots of fun. Have you made scones? When the scones are ready we serve them to the people with jam and cream, we must be very quiet as the singer is singing. After, we have to clean up the plates, cups and cutlery and then it goes to the cleaning team in the back of the kitchen. Then we get to dance with the people, which is lots of fun and we have lots of laughs. It is so fun, everyone likes to have fun and I love to talk about having fun in conversations. Thankyou for reading my blog, I hope one Tuesday you can join us at Morning Melodies, from your bubbly friend, Bethany. Dear readers this weeks topic is conversations. To be honest I’m having a conundrum! Let me start telling you about how I feel when I have conversation. To me it means a lot when I have a good chat with someone for example like friends and family and how do I feel? I feel happy having a chat with someone and it makes me smile because I know not only I made myself, but I also made someone else happy. Tips for a good conversation make sure to make good eye contact with other person and to listen to them and wait for your turn to talk. Written by Charlotte How I get a conversation started. Today I would like to talk about the unexplained, UFO’s and Aliens, I have a strong belief that alien life exists and they are out there in the universe and there are so many conversations you can have around alien life topics. I really love to talk about abductions, underground alien bases and under water alien bases. Telepathic communication and other ways they communicate with people, human life and what alien life do to humans in their abductions and how alien life treat humans in their abductions. I also love to talk about aliens technology and the technology how UFO’s work they are so much more advanced that human life could ever explain. The alien UFO’s topic mean the world to me and I feel very strongly about it. For me it is the best topic ever and once I start talking about aliens I can not stop. There is so much more in the universe that we don’t understand and NASA are doing lots of research and exploring the universe. Now with all the research that NASA are doing we are now understanding more and more about the universe and what is out there. They are very certain that there are other life on other planets, how can there not be. This is a great conversation starter because I’m sure lots of people find this fascinating, as do I. – Gipsy Today’s topic is conversations and how to start them. I love to talk to friends and friends about charities, there, are so many to talk about. In fact in a Australia there are 60,000 registered charities. Wow! I have chosen three to talk about. I really love Vinnies where I work. They do amazing things, recently I researched about Vinnies history. Did you know they started in Melbourne at St Francis Church by a group of Catholics on the 5th March 1854 an interesting fact is one of our Umbrella workers Grandfather was a member of the founding group. Have you been involved in Vinnies in some way? I think they are amazing the help they give families. Another Charity is Mullets for Mental health. Have you heard of this Charity? This charity started in 2020 and are involved with the Black dog Institute. A Charity formed to raise awareness about suicide in the 18 to 24 year group. A family member this year grew a mullet to raise funds. He looks funky and a raised large amount of money. What a great way to raise awareness and money, do you agree? Another Charity I like and you might have seen on TV was the Mother’s Day walk. It’s a great Charity was helps people with breast cancer and their families. What is your favourite charity and why? To me talking about charities is a great conversion starter as I love to give back to the community. Do you agree with me? Love from Charity worker JESS News - Our daily dose of information regarding what is going on with the world, good news, bad news, the weather to the traffic report, it is an everyday life to watch the tv or listen on the radio for updates. Notably, there is so much going on the world right now it is hard to keep up, so... let’s talk about conversation starters much like what I’m about to tell you now. Recently there was a massive solar flare from the sun which caused around the world, disruptions with electrical and radio equipment but what came out of that solar flare came something beautiful and breathtaking. Around the world people got to witness firsthand experiences with this phenomenon, The Aurora Borealis and The Aurora Australis with their camera lenses. Most people would have to go all the way to Iceland just this see this spectacular event but we are so fortunate to see this in our feeds but this is also a wake up call for us to make a change with our environment and clean up our planet and respect it, so many generations can do the same. – Holly Choose your own adventure – May 2024
It’s that time again when we decided it was time to write about anything we wanted to! We love this week because it gives up complete freedom to explore any topic we like. We hope you enjoy reading our pieces this week as much as we enjoyed writing them. I love playing on my Xbox, but I hang out with a lot of people to talk to. I love playing games with Cody and someone else too, my friends and I love to listen to music, and I love to hang out with friends at Umbrella and some at project kick it. I love my new tattoo and now I’m too tired and I need coffee!!!! I can’t wait to move house in the future and now in my life good luck. Chat to you next week blogging! - TJ Hello all! This week’s blog topic is a choose your own adventure, and I am going to tell you all about why I love sunsets. The reason why I love sunsets is they are colourful, but always different colours, the colours can be vibrant or pale there are blues like a sky, oranges like a mandarin, and pinks like a marshmallow. I love to take sunset photos whenever there is a sunset, my mum or dad say to me to go look outside at the sunset and I will always take a photo of them. I put sunset photos as my background on Facebook and I post stories on my social media of the sunsets. The one thing I am excited for is to take photos of the Bali sunsets when I go in November. I will be posting a lot of photos. The colours of the Bali sunsets are amazing. My mum is going in September for a girl's trip for a week so I will be asking her to try and take some photos of the sunsets for me. If you can imagine the colours, they are stunning, there are shades of blue, orange, pink and white, yellow, sometimes even green but I've never seen a sunset with green in it. Maybe in Bali, I will. – Alannah It's time for more travel adventures with everyone's favourite travel blogger, Me! This time I'm going to talk about after the Disneyland trip to Orlando which is another adventure for me. This time I headed to Costa Rica with my Yaya. Costa Rica is located down near the bottom of Central America and South America. We took a 4 hour flight from Dallas Texas to San Jose, the Capital of Costa Rica, and the night we stayed in the Sheraton in San Jose and had a big dinner while meeting everyone else on the trip and the tour guide on the first day, This was just the start of a big eight day adventure in Costa Rica. The very next day we headed off in a big bus going through twists and turns on the bus with narrow lanes and up mountains to our new hotel location for the next 2 nights at Laguna Lodge Tortuguero a beautiful lodge surrounded by lush rainforest and loud howling monkeys. My next update will be in the next choose your own adventure, see you next time! bye bye! – Holly Hi fellow readers! How are you? Today I'm going to have a chat to you about moving location and how exciting it is. Umbrella Support is moving to a new location for our upcoming media program! This is excellent news but may be a little tough of a transition from Balla Balla to our new location. Cindy shared this news with us today and it is very exciting. Cindy is a very, very good person to work with and her new program will teach us brand new skills to unlock and share with some of our future participants who join. We will be learning how to present to camera, research stories in the local area and other presentation skills. Thank you, Cindy! I unfortunately cannot participate in the media program this year, but next year I am hoping to join in. Further updates about me participating to come! Thank you for following in my Umbrella journey. Toodles! and bye for now -Angelina Xoxo Hello for those who don’t know me my name Jess and I would like to tell you about myself especially for those that are new readers, I’m in my 30’s and engaged to a wonderful man named Robert. I have a disability but it does not stop me enjoying my life. I work at St Vinnies every Tuesday and have been there since 23rd October 2016. And they are like my 2nd family. Recently I was promoted to cleaning and stocking the toys. Every Monday I will be at Umbrella Handmade, were we make crafts, amongst a group of 14 friendly caring supportive people lead by Cindy who has the biggest heart. I have been a member of Umbrella since it started about 3 years ago. Some of the original group are still with us. Some people have come and gone but it’s always fun and we have a great time. This group is very important to me. Every Friday I do cooking and we make so many different foods that are always yummy, My fiancé Rob and I are moving into our home in a few months and I have been busy stocking the freezer we are so excited. Finally my family is so special. My mum, and dad who has been suffering from cancer, my sisters, nieces and nephews are all so kind and very supportive of me and Rob . I love them so much. Hope you have learnt a little about me. – Jess Hi loves, today's topic is a choose your own adventure and my adventure is getting my nails done at a new place in Cranbourne. My nails are SNS glitter and are just gorgeous. I have got so many compliments and I love them but maybe I will get a brighter glitter next time. I am getting out of my comfort zone and hopefully starting a new program on Thursday the 18th of July. I can't wait to do this because I know I have lots of help from my friends and support from the Umbrella staff. I will be learning all about media and what to do. I am very excited and a bit nervous about it but I know that I am in a safe place and I am there to have fun. I will try not to make myself overwhelmed and not overdo myself. Thank you for reading my blog, your bubbly friend Bethany. I am starting the Umbrella media program in July, and I cannot wait. I am really looking forward to it very much. I love hanging out with my Umbrella friends. I have had lots of experience in front of the camera doing modelling, acting, dancing and singing. I have also had lots of experience on the catwalk which is now called the runway. I am currently doing podcasting that I really love and before I do my podcast I get the opportunity to sing into the microphones. I am also currently doing singing lessons twice a week. I have not had any experience behind the camera but I am really looking forward to learning more. I love acting which I have always had a real passion for. My interest in this has never gone away, I still have those even today and I don’t care how old I am as I still think I am young. I really miss modelling, dancing and acting I have always really loved the performing arts as I am very artistic. I am writing a script and a book, because I love it. To my blog readers don’t hold back, do the things you love. – Gipsy Dear readers this week topic was choose your own adventure and I chose to write about movies from 2000 all way until 2025 Let me start by talking about the list of some of the movies that came out. The Twilight Saga Shrek 2001 Harry potter 2001 Aladdin 2 - 2025 Zootopia 2 - 2025 How to train your dragon 2025 I have chosen these because they are my favourite and I watched them a few times. And I'm excited for the new movies coming out next year. Do you have a favourite movie and do you watch it many times and are you excited for new movies coming out next year? Written by Charlotte Welcome back to our cozy little corner of the internet, my dear lovely readers. Today, we’re discussing choosing your own adventure. What would you do if you had the chance to create your own journey? With this blog today I've been hiding a very big secret for a good two weeks and a half…. The quote of the day “You are never too old to start over. Everyday is a chance to make changes to create the life we want.” Imagine having the chance to choose your own journey. Today I’m writing about what your own journey will be by choosing your own path. Remember, every day is a chance to make a positive change. I took the first step by applying to Funtopia, and I received an email about a group interview after a few days. I confirmed I’II will be attending for the group interview at Funtopia on Tuesday of 30th April at 4:45pm. We spent an hour and a half touring Funtopia, which included group activities and interviews. I think I nailed my interview! They said they’d be in touch soon, then a week later, I received a phone call and email from Funtopia saying they were impressed with my interview and the work I did with the group. They said they would love to hire me because they believe I will be a valuable addition to their team. I was thrilled to hear that my performance was good enough and I was excited to join the funtopia team. This will be posted a week later, when I started my first shift on Thursday of 9th May. Hope all mothers had an amazing Mother’s Day! I’m looking forward to a fantastic day at the office. Thanks You For Reading My Blog Signing Out My loving Readers Kathryn Cat lovers get excited! Hello Friends, At the start of writing this blog I was like what am I going to write? Where do I find the inspiration for a topic when I'm suffering from what I think might have been writers block. I felt like I had hit a wall, and nothing was coming to mind. I took a break from staring at my computer screen and went for a quick walk. It was a bit of a brain break; it was a successful one because I came up with something to write about. YAY for me. There is a book called MEOW A Novel by Sam Austen and it is a novel for cats. Yes, that's right it's for cats, finally there is a book that you can read to your cat in the feline language. Oh, I forgot that bit it's not in English, no its written completely in cat. Just endless meows. There is also an audio book just in case you are not fluent and don't want to embarrass your feline child with how little you know of its language. I originally thought that this book wasn't real but then I found it on Amazon, the paperback is $44.84. You should go have a look too just to prove that i am not making this up. Honestly I might get this book even though I don't have a cat because it's wonderful and I love the idea that people might be getting this book to bond with their cats. I sincerely hope that the author Sam Austen (who according to Amazon is a feline linguist) makes this a whole series because the cats in your lives deserve it and probably demand it. I’m so excited about the existence of this book and I need to also say that the word meow is repeated 80,000 times in it. Anyway, that's the blog for today. I love you all! Thank you all for taking the time to read our blogs! From your friend, Shan Imagine this, you can hang out with ANYONE you like. ANYONE! For an entire day.
If it were me, I would have trouble choosing between Oprah Winfrey and Elvis Presley. Oh wait! There’s also Jerry Springer (does anyone remember him)? And Judge Judy! This one is certainly a challenge. And, in addition, just because our team are getting so good at blogging, we decided to throw in a challenge of using the word BANANA! Why? Because we love doing something a little different! Enjoy today’s read… Cindy Today’s blog is who we would like to hang out with if we had the opportunity… Can you guess who? I would love to spend a day with one of my favourite singers, Taylor Swift. You guessed right! On the day we would sing all her songs together like “You belong with me” “Shake it off” and “Love Story” and many more. I would show her some of Melbourne’s famous places like the Melbourne Zoo. Here we will see all the animals and eat bananas while visiting the monkeys. I would love to show her many more places like the MCG which stands for Melbourne Cricket Ground where the AFL Grand Final is played every year. I’m sure she would recognise it as that is where her concerts were this year. I would like to verse her at a game of bowling and see if she is good at bowling. I think she would be. I would also take her to the National Gallery of Victoria and have a look at all the artwork there. It’s important to take photos to remember the times we had together so I will take a lot. Here is a fun fact about Taylor Swift. She got her name from the singer James Taylor. Today's joke is related to Taylor Swift Why did Taylor Swift bring a ladder to the concert? Because she wanted to reach for the stars! – Scarlett Hi fellow readers! How are you? If you had the chance to spend time with a famous celebrity who would it be? For me it would be Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson! Heck yeah! Dwayne is absolutely crazy, like a banana, and hardcore with his career. He's been wrestling for 30-odd years, like his dad. I recently watched Wrestle mania XL and it was fantastic and wild! The Rock definitely cooked when he cooked Cody Rhodes on night 1 of Wrestle mania XL. Hahahahaha! The rock is actually a father of two and they are girls so how cute! I believe that he is a great father, he sure is lucky. What about you readers, what do you think? Do you like or dislike the Rock? You either love him, or hate him, he's that kind of entertainer. The Rock also acts, he is known for being Maui in Moana especially. He is in Rampage, and he communicates with the gorilla. He is a comedic actor, with Kevin Hart in Central Intelligence, just to name a few. He also goes to the gym every day when he gets the chance. He would have his own gym at home, for sure. I would like to have a day at home with him and chill. He would cook chicken wings for me, then we would go to the gym and watch a movie. Some of The Rock's catchphrases are; “The People’s Champ” “If you smell… what The Rock… is cookin’, and “Rock Nation” – Angelina Today is a bit of a weird one but I do believe this is the best choice for what the topic is this time. We were asked if we could meet a celebrity or fictional character who would it be and why and what would you do for the day, I was thinking long and hard about who could I possibly think to entertain that thought but then I remembered a big thing that happened during last week and it made me realize this may be easier than I thought. I’m going to spend the day with the organizers for Cyclethon 3 in Japan for Immune Deficiency Foundation, Chris Broad from Abroad in Japan and Connor from CdawgVA YouTube channels. That week they spent 14 days traveling 12,000km to raise money for the foundation and together with a bunch of guests they raised over 1 million dollars! How crazy is that! Ahem anyway let me tell you how I would spend the day with these two goofballs. So firstly, we’ll need to find a meeting point right since they both live in Japan is only natural to meet in the busiest intersection in the world, Shibuya Crossing at Shibuya Station The station is bustling with people coming to and from work and tourist all over to see this famous crossing and since Chris like fried food I’ll suggest we’ll go to a yakatori place nearby and order a huge amount of chicken skewers, and since these lads have a busy time frame I’ll buy them a beer for the night and to be fair Shinjuku isn’t that far from Shibuya as they have the best yakatori and beer gardens in all of Tokyo, then I will probably challenge Connor to a crane game challenge as he’s known to do these ridiculous challenges, like 500 dollars to see you can win the most and possibly the best crane games prizes before the money ends, Since Connor’s online name is literally Monke (with an e) I shall get him a Monkey with a banana plus! Heh he would be so disappointed, at the end I’ll thank both of them for their time and money and promise to talk about Immune Deficiency foundation and raise awareness about this terrible disease and raise money for this charity. – Holly Welcome everyone, today is an who would I spend one day with blog. I have chosen my cousin Bec, she is very cool. I have chosen her as she is a hard worker, and a mother of 3 little princesses. Although she lives local, we are busy. When we were young we would dance to the Spice Girls. If we could have 12 hours to together I would start the day with a sleep-out, either at a nice hotel in the city or anywhere she likes. After breakfast we would go to the hot springs spa for pampering and enjoy a long lunch where we will talk and remember our youth, with a few great laughs. Maybe we could go for a walk along the beach and enjoy a banana smoothie. I would love to just spend time with Bec and enjoy time with her girls and Bec I have a message for you, I love you with all my heart. Miss Bec and family love from Jess Hi friends, today's topic is, if you could hang out for a day with a celebrity or a singer who would you choose. The celebrity that I would hang out with is Jessica Mauboy. She was popular at just the age of 14. Later she was on a TV show called Australian Idol. She was the runner up in 2006. She is a singer, a songwriter and she was in a band. In 2021 she was a judge on The Voice. I would love to meet her because she is one of my favourite singers and I really appreciate all the songs she makes. If I could hangout for a day with her first I would give her a big hug and tell her how amazing she is. I will ask what she likes to do in her spare time and I would ask if I could go to her concerts. We would go bowling with my friends and we would have nuggets and chips for lunch. I would love to ask her if she could bring me on stage with her and if we could sing her song "Little Things" and "Never be the same" This would be a perfect day for me. Thank you for reading my blog, your bubbly friend Bethany who is enjoying a banana smoothie as you read this. Dear readers, if we could spend the day with anyone who would you choose? Let me start by telling you why I chose Eminem because in my opinion I think he is a good rapper and I like his songs, especially lose yourself. We would spend the day with me asking a bunch of questions which would most likely drive him bananas. We would meet in Seattle in a five-star hotel surrounded by luxury, talking about his life and how he gets his inspirations for songs and also his movie 8 mile. And I would thank him for spending the day with me Who would you choose to spend the day with and why? Written by Charlotte Welcome back to our cosy little corner of the internet, my dear lovely readers. Today, we are blogging about if you would like to spend time with a celebrity or a family member that’s not here anymore, what would you do? The quote of the day “It’s not where you came from. It’s where you’re going that counts. Imagine having the chance to choose to spend a day with a celebrity or a family member that is not here anymore. Today, we invite you to imagine having the opportunity to spend a day with a celebrity or loved one who is no longer with us. There is conundrum about our blog today we have to use the word banana. I would choose to spend the day with family members that are not here anymore, because you will never see them again. It would be good spending time with celebrities. I decided to spend the day with my family member, the activities we would do and that we both enjoyed watching a movie, shopping for clothes, and visiting a banana farm. The experience would be bittersweet but cherishable to spend a day with a family member that is no longer with you. Thank You For Reading My Blog Signing Out My loving Readers Kathryn If I could hang with any celebrity who would I choose. I would choose Taylor Swift because she is my favourite singer and song writer. She is a real inspiration to me and she is so very down to earth, friendly, and really fantastically caring to all her fans. Which I really love. I really love her music and every time I listen to her music I come up with my own ideas for my song writing. I write my own songs and as I am listening to her music, my singing notes improve every time I listen to her. Taylor and I would write and record songs together, and have some photos taken and go shopping. We would have a banana for lunch and watch a movie. After dancing and building up a dance routine, we would have dinner. Taylor and I would be laughing a lot, and talking about all our interests. I'm sure Taylor and I have a lot in common and we have so much to talk about. When I listen and sing along to Taylor Swifts music it gives me a really calm feeling. I would tell Taylor how amazing she is and how she has a real inspirational impact on me. Taylor has worked very hard since she was a little girl to get to where she is today. My favourite album is 1989 but I really love all her music. I sing to Taylor Swift music all the time and she is all I am listening to at the moment. I really hope that Taylor Swift would be touched to read my blog. - Gipsy Who here loves Bananas? Hello Friends, So just a heads up that this blog has absolutely nothing to do with Bananas. I just needed to use the word Bananas because it was a challenge given to us by Cindy. By all means go ahead and answer the question if you like. Do I like bananas? If there are no other fruits, then I will eat them, but I prefer any other fruit. Right now, to the actual blog topic which is; If we could hang out with anyone for a day, who would it be? I'm going to be honest, picking someone was something that I struggled with. Not because there aren't people that I could pick, but because there are many people that I would want to choose. I feel it would be a whole easier if it was a place that I could choose, then I could just say where we go after we pass, so I suppose most people would say heaven. Then I could spend the day with all the special, beautiful people, pets and plants of my life. A day wouldn't feel long enough but I would be grateful for that day regardless. I have recently answered a similar question which was; ‘if I could spend a day with a Disney character, I would choose...’ I have decided I'm going to go with what I answered for that question. Which was the Golden Retriever called Dug, from the Movie Up. This is what our day would look like. I would go get him from his house and have a chat with his human Dad, Carl. I would let Carl know our plans for the day. We would have breakfast at a local dog friendly cafe, he would have whatever makes him happiest for breakfast, we would go for a walk to the nearest pet store so he could pick out a yummy treat or two and a toy. Lunch would be a picnic in the park with a dog bowl of water and the treats he picked out for himself. After lunch we would go watch ducks, play with his new toy, play fetch and say hello to some other dogs if dug would like to be social. It would then probably be a good time for Dug to take a nap under a shady tree while I sit with him and pat his fluffy golden head. After Dugs nap, we would have some water and go for a walk back to his house for some play time in his own backyard and we would bark at squirrels together until it was time for dinner which we would have with his human dad, Carl. I have no idea what we would have for dinner but I'm sure it would be yummy. After dinner we would all sit together and play with Dugs toys and maybe have a sneaky treat or five until it was time for me to go back to reality. Obviously, there would be endless cuddles with Dug because he is very huggable, and who doesn't want to cuddle with an adorable dog? Thank you to the lovely Haley for the inspiration behind this blog and for being a beautiful human. To our readers, I hope you are having a wonderful day and be kind to yourselves! Your friend Shan Hi my readers, this week topic's is about if you could spend a day with a celebrity or anyone you look up too. If I could spend a day with Morgan Wallen what we would do? I would listen to his songs with him, "Lies Lies Lies" is my new favourite. His favourite meal is steak, Mexican and BBQ. We would go out for lunch at a restaurant that serves all of them then we'd finish with fruit salad. My favourite. Our fruit salad would have strawberry's, banana, rock melon, watermelon, grapes, kiwi fruit and apples. We would take a lot of photos together during the day, go laser tagging, do an escape room and then finish off with more food. I think it would be a fun day and we would make many memories. We would talk about his singing career, his family and where he grew up. Morgan Wallen got famous during the blind audition for the judges on The Voice. Thankyou for reading my blog this week , Alannah There is one person I would like to see again and spend the day with. It is Josh from school. He was 17 or 18 when he was in the hospital and he passed away which is sad. We were good friends at the Victorian College for the Deaf. We played games together and on our day we will play more games like online and show him how the online games are now. I think he would like Fortnite and play the characters too. We would watch a movie together, action movie, like Iron Man, Hawkeye and Hulk. He didn’t like to go out so we will get a DVD and watch it at home with snacks, such as fruit and banana. It is comfy for him. He hasn’t been to Fortress and I would show him Time zone too. We could play games there and he would have fun with me. [I have miss him since he passed away]. Thank you for reading my blog, TJ According to “ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.
Anzac Day falls on the 25th of April each year. The 25th of April was officially named Anzac Day in 1916. On the 25th of April 1915, Australian and New Zealand soldiers formed part of the allied expedition that set out to capture the Gallipoli peninsula. These became known as Anzacs and the pride they took in that name continues to this day”. In lieu of the public holiday, our bloggers spent some additional time this month to ensure we were able to write a piece that will honour this important day on the calendar. A few of our team paid our respects on Anzac day just a few days ago and was proud to lay the carefully hand made wreath we had created from pom poms. (see our picture below). There is an AFL match every Anzac Day. The team that plays are Collingwood and Essendon and it’s going to be a great game. I don't mind who wins as I like both teams. The first Anzac match between these sides was back on April 25, 1995. A long time ago. It’s going to be a great game. I don't mind who wins as I like both teams. The first Anzac match between these sides was back on April 25, 1995. A long time ago. The player who is best-on-ground gets the Anzac medal. I think it’s going to be Nick Daicos who plays for the Pies or Nick Martin who plays for the Bombers. They are both really good players in my opinion. This week joke is related to Anzac Day Whats small, furry and bright purple? A Koala holding its breath! – Scarlett Anzac day is held on Thursday 25th of April 2024. Event length: 1 day. also called: Maori and Ra o nga hola. The significance of Anzac day is a national day of remembrance and first landing of the Anzac at Gallopi.- Angelina Hi my readers its after ANZAC day when we will be posting this. Anzac Day happens every year and its always on the 25th of April, It means a day of remembrance for those who fought in the war many years ago. Anzac is a word that stands for Australian and New Zeeland Army Corps. Australia and New Zealand have fought together for many years because they are close countries In local communities every Anzac day there is a dawn service at 6 AM its a public ceremony for everyone to remember the people who fought at war. Alannah Welcome back to our cosy little corner of the internet, my dear lovely readers. Today, we are blogging about Anzac Day, this will be posted after Anzac Day when Cindy will be posting this, The quote of the day “At the going down of the sun, and in the morning We will remember them” Anzac Day, celebrated annually on April 25th, is a day of remembrance and tribute to the Anzac soldiers who displayed unwavering courage and sacrifice during World War I. Australia and New Zealand come together to honour these heroes with memorial services and parades. Lest We Forget. Thanks You For Reading My Blog Signing Out My loving Readers Kathryn M. Anzac Day Celebrations My Grandfather on my Dads side, my Dads father, served in the WW2 in the Australian Airforce as a scientist doing scientific work in the experimental gasses for eplosives. There was a gas leak in the lab departments where they were doing the gas experiments and he breathed in the gases and became sick with a serious respiratory lung illness. This eventually took is life in September 1988. He was 72 years of age and I had just turned 13 in the August. I really miss my Grandad and Grandma. I hope enjoyed reading my blog Take Care Gipsy It’s that time again when we can blog about ANYTHING at all! Our team love these days.
It appeared on this day of writing that everyone seemed to know exactly what they wanted to write about as everyone got straight to their devices and started typing! Hello friends, Okay everyone get ready for todays choose your own adventure! Do you ever think about what makes your heart happy? What makes you smile in the morning? That brings sunshine to your whole afternoon? The kind of happy that reaches your very being, your soul. I’m not saying you need to give it a whole days thought, just maybe consciously make an effort to look for some happiness. Though as things work out you might find that after reading this blog you stumble upon some happiness. The universe works in mysterious ways after all. I believe if we started focusing solely on what makes our heart happy instead of just the stresses of our lives, we might find that our minds become a little lighter. I am constantly reminding myself that even when the cloud of darkness visits me, that there is always sunshine there are always rainbows and there is always something better coming. Remember; there are no flowers without rain. So, if you are struggling just know your rainbow is coming and it will come. It might just be in the form of your pet giving you love, a good news story that warms your heart, a friend checking in at just the right moment or it could be something completely random. The beauty of things that make your heart happy it’s just that; they make your heart happy. It’s happiness that reaches your whole being your soul your mind and that’s what I want for you all, for everyone, strangers, acquaintances, friends, family, EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. (Plants, animals and insects included). So whether you go looking for it or it surprises you I hope that today, tomorrow, next week, this month you find happiness and after reading this blog you know exactly what kind of happiness I mean, but if you need a reminder the kind of happiness that reaches your every being, your soul. Thank you for reading my blog and all our blogs today and know we appreciate you, our beautiful readers to the ends of the earth. Shan Dear readers, we are writing about choose your own adventure this week which is fun for me. I have fun every week with Umbrella. I am making things on Mondays and go to the park for walking. On Tuesday I get to see my mate Krystle after cooking in the morning. We have the whole afternoon to do jobs and fun things. On Wednesdays I get to do bowling with my Umbrella friends. Bowling is my most fun with lots of laughs. I write my blog on Thursday and work in the afternoon, my mate Krystle picks me up again after work and we have the afternoon together. Fridays I get to sleep in. Then Krystle comes in the afternoon and we go to Salvos for volunteer work. I have great weekends too with Kristian I get to do all fun things, sometimes too much fun for me. I get crazy on those days. Yep anyway, so I got my mate Cody to play Fortnite with me sometime too much fun but its ok for me. I always check on my mate Cody and I make sure he is ok, his parents, and also his brother. I like to keep in touch with them. I miss having Cody around. Thank you for reading my blog, TJ Hello! It’s another “choose your own adventure” week. This blog I’ll talk about friendships, and why they are important to me. Each Tuesday I have lunch with one of my friends Monique at L’Arte Central and I've known her for only a year. We have beef pies each time we have lunch together, and sometimes chips and gravy if the pies are sold out. I look forward to it very much each week. Who loves footy as much as me? We share lots of the same interests, we talk about every AFL team. Monique is a Collingwood supporter and I’m a Sydney Swans supporter. When we play against each other it's a fun time sending gifs of the other team. It is always a lot of fun. It is time for my monthly friend's hangout this Friday. I’m meeting up with some of my friends at bowling and Switch Lifestyle. It's going to be a great night with memories and friendships made. We do these hangouts each month and they are really fun. We have done many different locations in the community and all my friends are looking forward to having an amazing time. I can’t wait! Friendships are important to me, friends who are there for me and always help me step out of my comfort zone are my favourite, and they help me be the best person I can be. This week's joke is related to bowling and it will sure make you laugh. Why was Cinderella such a bad bowler? Her coach was a pumpkin! Thank you everyone once again! – Scarlett Hi fellow readers! how are you? This week I'm going to write about some of my recommended movies for you to watch. Firstly, is Damsel, it is on Netflix and is all about royalty and betrayal. Secondly, is one of my favourite TV shows ever. Friends. It is also on Netflix about a group of college aged young adults finding their way in New York City. It is so funny, Chandler is the funniest and they all have a soft place in my heart. I really like The Big Bang Theory too and recommend it if you are a fan of science and friendships. Another show with Jim Parsons in it, is Young Sheldon. It is a smart show and also about friendships. It makes me laugh, and is about Sheldon when he was younger. On free to air channels such as 7plus and ABC is 9-1-1, and The Rookie. These shows are about emergency services and firefighting. I love a choose your own adventure week, it gives us the freedom to write about anything we like. Thank you all so much for the support and love from you all, bye! From your School Captain - Angelina! Hi my readers this week is a choose your own adventure. Today I chose to do my blog about my hobbies and what I like to do. My hobbies are playing Fortnite and GTA, and laying in my bed going on my Xbox. I like doing loom bands and making bracelets. My most favourite thing to do ever is to go shopping and spend money. I go on my phone when I am bored, I play with my neighbour's kids when I see them. Then I go on my Xbox to watch Netflix, YouTube, and Disney+. I like to be on calls with my friends, especially with my bestie Katie, we play GTA and Fortnite. I love listening to music such as Luke Combs and Morgan Wallen . My favourite rap singer is Eminem. I think it's important to have hobbies, they are a form of selfcare. They keep me entertained and save me from boredom. Do you have a hobby that keeps you from boredom? Thank you for reading my blog see you all next week from Alannah Hey fans welcome back, it’s a choose your own adventure this week and I have a wonderful friend called Ben. For 15 years I have known Ben and he is famous for many things. We meet at a local group and formed a strong connection which is still there today, we have so much in common. He does radio like I do and I love him like a groovy brother. We are lucky to get to do weekend activity in the past, we still do them now, we check in on each other. We also love different sports. He is a massive fan of Hawthorn, and I’m a huge Collingwood fan. He loves watching the Hangover movies, he loves anything to do with tie-dye like making his own T-shirts. His favourite food is tacos and his favourite dessert is chocolate mousse. He would make a great stand-up comedian. Many people think that if you have a disability, you are unable to do things, especially in a wheelchair. You can often find him zooming round in his wheelchair doing bun outs. He also loves spending time with his friends and family. Have you got a special friend in your life? Love from Jess Dear readers this weeks topic was choose your own adventure and I chose to write about my dream destination which is Paris. What is your dream destination? Let me start by telling you the reason I have chosen Paris. It’s the city of romance. I have flown over it but not been to Paris. I would love to see the Eiffel tower at night when it's all lit up. I also want to try the macarons and I want to visit Disneyland in Paris. My sister has been and said it was good but would do it once. There is so much history about Paris and many amazing buildings to see and visit. Paris is on my bucket list and I hope to visit one day. What is on your bucket list? Written by Charlotte Hi everyone, I performed in front of a group of friends at "Dinner with Friends" last week. I felt really nervous but I did it, and afterwards I felt really good about myself. People complimented me on my how well I did. I am currently doing singing lessons and I have increased my singing lessons to twice a week. Friday mornings and Wednesday afternoons and every week I am making lots of improvements. I love singing. My main focus and concentration is on my singing. I have been singing and dancing since I was little but I had a great big break from dancing because of a knee injury. I would really love to return to dancing but I am terrified incase I hurt my bad knee. I have a plan that in the near future, I can go back to dancing. I hope to take private dance lessons to recapture my dance movements and learn how to dance carefully and properly without hurting myself because dancing is very important to me and a big part of me, just like my singing. – Gipsy Welcome back to our cosy little corner of the internet, my dear lovely readers. Today, we are blogging about choosing your own adventure. What would you do if you had the chance to choose your own journey? The quote of the day “Push Yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you.” Imagine having the chance to choose your own journey. Today I’m writing about what your own journey will be. I know life can give you lots of chances to choose your own direction. Travel is important to me, and one day I hope to be able to say I have travelled the world. My first stop would be Bali, because Bali has always been a place I wanted to go because it’s the most popular island holiday destination for family and friends planning a holiday all together. It is very close to Australia which makes it not too far to travel. And I hope to also visit France, because my dad's side of the family is from France. I would like to see where my family has come from, I would go see some family, take photos and make memories. My last stop would be Greece, I would like to go to Greece for my Nana. She always wanted to go to Greece before she passed away, and the other reason is because her favourite movie is Mamma Mia. I would love to still be travelling when I get older, but I will stop travelling for a bit so I can settle down to have a family of my own. I will still be travelling, my travels will change to include kids, and when they are a bit older. Maybe too, I will save up for a BMW, it must be hot pink in colour with a pink number plate too. Thanks You For Reading My Blog Signing Out My loving Readers Kathryn M. Hi fan club, today's topic is a choose your own adventure and my blog is about my beautiful friend Jess. I have been friends with Jess for 6 months. We met at Umbrella handmade on Mondays with about 15 other people. When I met Jess I liked her straight away and we became instant friends. We are very much like each other because we both like cooking, chatting online or face to face. We both like being creative and getting out of our comfort zones. We are getting better at something each week at Handmade. We are both very different star signs, Jess star sign is a Leo and my star sign is Aquarius. Jess’ traits as a Leo is that she is bubbly, passionate, embraces life to the fullest and is always happy. My star sign traits are I am creative and I don't like to be told what to do. I am original and I care about my friends. Jess is so special to me because she cares about me and her friends and is always there for me. Especially to listen and give advice about my problems. She is honest and I appreciate that. She is lots of fun, and she is a very courageous lady who is wiling to try new things. Thank you for reading my blog, your bubbly friend Bethany We landed our own TV show!
Imagine that! So, for the sake of this blog, let’s say we have auditioned and landed the gig! (That means we got the job). So now we have a TV show starting ourselves and it starts SOON! What is our TV show about? What kind of show is it? Do we have guests on the show? What platform or channel is it on? Oooh, there’s so much to get excited about here so lets not waste anymore time as we start reading about these very exciting new TV shows that my be coming soon to a screen near you… My dear friend, there is a new show everybody is talking about, it is all about me. TJ! It is about a new cooking show, because I like learning all about cooking and I can do at home. I can make some beef and cake or anything at all. All my foods look so yummy now. I can cook myself at home with no one else so I can make dinner with my family or my friends. Each week on my TV show, “Chef TJ” I have a guest and we chat and cook together. It is my favourite. - TJ Hi fellow readers! How are you? I am starring in a TV show! just kidding LOL. If I had to choose the name of my show it would be called 'The Angelina Show'. I have always loved the idea of having my own interview show or just a sit down and interactive show . What about you? I think i would be very good at it. Who would be my first episode guest speaker? Cindy because she brightens up the place like a sunflower! She's an AMAZING person with a good heart so I would guest star her first. Then my family members. It would honestly be great if I had my own show, with my own rules! My show would obviously be kid friendly, I would never do anything inappropriate and it would be fun for all ages. I am also hoping to have my own podcast but let's just see what the future unfolds. Thanks for now, bye! - Angelina This week we will be talking about the joy of television and getting our creative juices flowing, not literary but bear with me. For my topic regarding tv shows it can go either two ways, Animation debriefing or paranormal investigations or maybe a mix of both? Either way this is a hard topic to talk about since there are so many ways this piece could go. Let’s make it simple and easy to follow, I shall make an online blog video discussing the best upcoming anime or video games this season has to offer and I shall explain some old favourite shows as well. I shall explain the in's and out's of manga and how they turn directly into the tv shows we know and love, it all starts with an idea in a creative mind, the web show shall be called "Journey through the creative minds behind Anime and Culture". Perhaps I’ll even go to Japan to ask about everyday thoughts, about how Anime has changed through the years and what’s new and the best upcoming sources. I shall dress up in each show from a popular anime that week or my personal favorites, I’ll even get the audience to participate by interacting about anime topics. – Holly Welcome back, my loving readers! Today, we’re talking about what I would do if I had a TV channel or show. Spoiler alert: It involves lots of true crime and murder mystery. The quote of the day: The past is a place to learn from, not to live in. Imagine having your very own TV network. What sort of shows would you air? What would you name your TV show or channel? I would start by naming my own TV show and focusing on a specific topic, the topic for me would be true crime and murder mystery and the name of my TV Show or Channel would be "True Crime with Kathryn M". I would cover true crime and murder mystery and it'll be streaming on the crime channel on Foxtel. Hopefully one day it would stream on YouTube and Spotify. Thanks You For Reading My Blog Signing Out My loving Readers Kathryn If you had your own T.V. show, what would it be called? Hello Friends! Let’s say I decided to make my own T.V. show. What would I call it and what kind of show would it be? See thinking about this I was torn because I really feel a comedy would be what I and everyone else need, but I also want to do something that would be informative as well. So, I guess I’ll do both, like a nice T.V. cocktail. Now for a name, I think I'll call it "Shan’s Blind Curiosities" and it will be as I said a comedic but informative series about everything that people might be curious about. Viewers will send in questions about whatever they are curious about, and I will go off and find out all the answers. But I will be going into each episode blind, meaning I won't know what the topic is or where I am going until I get there. Thats the comedic part, though I like to think I'm naturally funny. Every 5th episode there will be a special guest that will get to come with me on the Shan’s curiosities journey, they also will go into the episode blind and will have no idea what they are getting into. The guest will be chosen at random and not by me. So, I also won't know who the guest is that day. It's all about jumping out of comfort zones, finding out some information, having some fun and being at the mercy of the viewers. If that's not super dooper nerve wrecking I don't know what is. Also, a portion of the profit from the show will go to a charity for example, Lifeline, Make A Wish foundation, Starlight Childrens Foundation and more. And like with everything else the charity will be chosen by a viewer with the only stipulation being that it's an Australian charity. Maybe someone could suggest one of the Umbrella Support workers to be a guest, that would be HILARIOUS! (*cough* Cindy *Cough*) I challenge all our fabulous readers to think about if you had a T.V. show what would it be called? Be kind to yourselves and to each other. Your friend Shan. Hi fan club how are you all today? Today’s topic is what would you call your TV show? What kind of show is it? Nowadays, young people like to watch YouTubers and I’m one of them and my favourite YouTuber is Cookies Swirl C. She is famous and has fans all over the world and over 12 billion views worldwide. Her passion of toys and creating stories through play, she also has a YouTube channel that she plays Roblox with her fans. She has inspired me to call my show "The Plushies Show". My show is going to be about reading kids storybooks, and my plushy is going to be my helper. Sometimes I will have guests on my show we will have microphones and we will review new plush toys that come out. I also want to play Roblox on my show and I hope that one day I can play with my favourite YouTuber because it’s my dream. Thank you for reading my blog, Bethany Dear readers, today's topic was about if you had your own tv show what would you call it? Charlotte and Jess joined together and decided on having a TV show and calling it ”Cooking with Jess and Charlotte”. Let us tell you about our show and what we’re going to do on it. We decided to do it from a TV studio kitchen, showing step by step cooking with each week a variety of foods such as. · Hungarian · Italian · Easy dinner meals · Healthy snacks · And even viewers suggestions Our creations will be tasted by our willing and supportive crew. Each week a guest chef such as Gordan Ramsey, Krystle and Jessy from Umbrella Support will be featured on the show. We decided to blog together because we both love cooking. We both have an individual style of cooking but together we will show our skills. We are excited and only wish we could really do it. From us to you” What is your favourite meal to cook? Written by CHARLOTTE and JESS future chefs. Hi everyone today’s topic is what would you call your TV show if you had one? If I had my own tv documentary show I would call it “Aliens UFOs Unexplained" explaining Alien life experiences and UFO sightings. This is a subject that is very seriously important to me because I have had many experiences since I was a child and that it still continues to happen to me constantly and it is something that has never gone away. I have made peace and acceptance and made friends with what has been going on with me all this time. My experiences have never been bad or terrifying but I have had some challenging experiences that created some anxiety but was not bad in any way. This subject is very important to me because I have a real strong connection to Aliens life in all my experiences they have always treated me with lots of kindness and care and they are very gentle with me and this is a subject that I can talk about forever it is my most favourite subject in the world and this why I would really like to do a TV documentary show on Alien life UFOs. I hope you all loved my blog and I will see you guys next week. Gipsy Food is more than just sustenance; it is a language that speaks to our senses and brings people together - (
Two things here:
Food is such a great way to explore your senses. The taste the texture the colours the temperature. Food can comfort us, it can be used to make us feel good, it can join families and friends together and it can be used to celebrate. Today, our bloggers share their thoughts on food… Hi fellow readers! How are you? What's your favourite chocolate? My favourite chocolate is DARK chocolate. Why? because dark chocolate is so yummy and delicious, and the flavours come together so well. It gives some kick to it. Do you know where chocolate comes from? If not, this is where it comes from:- Fact: Chocolate is made from the fruit of cacao trees, which are native to Central and South America. Why was chocolate made? Chocolate was made to drink, the chocolate is used during rituals and medicine because the health benefits of dark chocolate are still relevant today. Do you like chocolate? You will see a number on a dark chocolate packet that tells you how much cacao is in that chocolate. The larger the number the more cacoa therefore the healthier for you it is. Not everyone likes chocolate. Is it your go to snack? – Angelina. Food glorious food as said by Oliver twist once said in a movie about an orphan boy, but enough about that boy, today we are talking about food, the nutrients and energy it gives us and my favorite foods I eat occasionally. Let’s Dig In! Being an Australian we are lucky to get to try so many cultural delicacies from Italian to Vietnamese dishes, but my absolute favorite would be Japanese sushi and Korean BBQ along with Ramen and Okonomiyaki (Japanese pancake) and Takoyaki (fried round dough with octopus pieces). Speaking of which, I have been to Japan but I shall tell you all that story in a few months along with choose your own adventure as I will be talking about my travel journeys. Now on the other hand Korean BBQ is a must if you have a big stomach for beef and pork, even lamb as well, you even get to grill the meat yourself! How cool is that! they come with dipping Sauce of spring onion, garlic oil, salt and pepper, and for just 2 hours of all you can eat grill it’ll only cost you around 52 dollars for lunch, now that’s a bargain for a all you can eat Korean BBQ (soft drink and alcohol not included with the price) The place is called SSAM Korean BBQ for you guys wanting to spoil yourself. The other place I love to go to in the city is called Sushi Hotaru and is very close to Melbourne central and Chinatown, each dish is around $4:20 and is very filling (most I get is 5 plates before I’m full for reference), the best dish to date there is the seared salmon as they grill the salmon right there and then and it is so mouthwatering and delicious. – Holly I’m just here for the snacks. Hello Friends, I won’t be giving away any snack ideas here (I'm done with my favourite treats being sold out guys) Biscoff biscuits being sold out hurts my heart because then we all miss out on all the creations that can be made from and with them. If you're going to buy all the Biscoff biscuits I want an invite to help you eat them at least. Anyway, moving on. I really love to get all cozy on my bed with all my blankets, my weighted Minnie stuffed toy and if he has chosen me, my dog Chopper curled up next to me. This is one of my happy places, but it makes me so much happier if I have a snack. After all, as my opener suggests “I'm just here for the snacks.” I do love comfort food, sweet snacks, savory snacks, the downright weird snacks and anything that's yummy really. As an example of a healthier choice for a snack, I love to cut up green apples, put them on a plate, make a black tea and get my cozy on. There's something soothing about black tea and cut up green apple. At our blogging group we all have our go to typing snacks, Cindy being the generous queen that she is, buys us cinnamon doughnuts to nibble on or inhale depending on our feelings. Honestly didn't know how much I needed a cinnamon doughnut at blogging until Cindy brought them for us on the very first blogging day. At home mum bakes all sorts of yummy and beautiful treats for us to eat and it's my favourite thing in the whole world to come home to the smell of fresh baking, even if the baking is not for us. Sometimes we must share her baking with others, I guess that's apart of having a mum who bakes good treats. I would like to make a shout out to all the people who have named their pets after snacks, doesn't matter to you that you might have to call “Muffin” or “Snickers” at the top of your lungs you have made the commitment to naming your favourite animal after your favourite snack or you chose the animal that looks like food. Look I don't care about the reasons why I just love it. I know a few people with dogs named after food and it's just fabulous. The only thing I don't like about snacks is that once you finish them you must get up and go get more and it's just an endless cycle of snack buying. I guess that is just how the cookie crumbles. What's your favourite snack or comfort food? Does anyone have a pet named after their favourite food? Your friend Shan. Hi my sunflower fan club, today's topic is "food for thought" or my favourite food. It is good for your body because it helps you grow big and strong and makes you stronger and gives you energy to keep growing. My favourite food is Carbonara. If you are interested in making it yourself I would recommend you Google for how to make it, and the website I use is I love it so much because it is delicious, creamy, cheesy and this dish makes me happy, it is my comfort food. My favourite dessert is chocolate crackles. I love them because they’re crunchy, chocolatey and they reminds me of honey joys. What are your favourite foods and dessert? I have a riddle for you this week. What did the chocolate syrup say to the ice cream? I’m sweet on you! Thank you for reading my blog beautiful friends, from your bubbly friend Bethany. Hello all, welcome back to my readers, spice up your food! If you are game trying this delicious meal, you will love this dish, I promise you won’t be disappointed. I will put the recipe down below for you. The recipe is for those who are brave. You can find it on “Healthy Mummy” which is a website for healthy cooking. I enjoy cooking mince meat dishes because it’s quick and easy to cook with and it’s a great way of learning new recipes as well. For me learning how to cook is a great deal because it has help me understand the way I eat and what I put in my mouth. It's important to keep my body healthy. Everybody who knows me knows how much I love cooking and how it has helped me lose weight which I’m proud of. Mexican Lasagna You will need, Premium beef mince, reduced salt kidney beans, carrots, Onions, capsicum, Diced tomatoes, taco seasoning, atleast five wraps, sour cream, cheese for the top. What you will need to do: Sauté onion for a couple of minutes, then add 1 tbsp water (this takes away the need for any added oil) and cook until the onion is soft and translucent, and water has evaporated. Increase the heat to high and add the mince. Cook, stirring, until there are no lumps and mince is brown. Add grated carrot, chopped capsicum, red kidney beans, diced tomatoes and taco seasoning. Stir and then simmer for 10-15 minutes until mixture has thickened. Lightly spray an oven safe dish with cooking spray. Layer the dish with 2 x tortillas, then half of the meat mixture, 1 x tortilla, the remaining meat mixture, 2 more tortillas, then sour cream. Sprinkle the cheese over the top. Cook for 30-40 minutes, or until cooked. How many layers should a Mexican lasagne have? Let me break it to you: If you want to make a lasagna, three layers just won't cut it! For the perfect lasagna, you need at least four or five loads of cheese or more. Will you be game to try my Mexican lasagne? Love from your COOKING QUEEN JESS! My Favourite Foods My favourite cuisine is Indian, followed by Italian, Mexican and Asian. My favourite dishes are lasagna, spaghetti bolognese, tomato bacon bolognese, pasta bakes and everything chicken. I also love macaroni cheese with bacon, mushrooms and red capsicum. Chilli Con Carne beef and chicken burritos, Nasi and Mi Goreng, fried rice and fried noodles. I love coconut based curries, yellow and red, coconut rice and saffron rice. Naan and roti breads. Beef stroganoff, hamburgers, garlic and herb sausages, supreme pizza, garlic bread, hot dogs, sausage rolls, scallop potatoes, stews with dumplings and cottage pie. My favourite soups are chicken soup, potato and leak soup, pea and ham soup, pumpkin soup and minestrone soup. My Favourite veggies include pumpkin, potatoes, zucchinis, broccoli and mushrooms. My Favourite desserts are cheesecake, baked cheesecake, rice pudding and bread and butter pudding. My Favourite fruits are rockmelon, bananas, pineapple, grapes and apples. My favourite drinks are no-sugar Coke, creaming soda, lemonade, raspberry cordial, iced coffee, orange juice and banana smoothie. I love lots of foods, as you can see. My favourite take away is Macca’s, but I’m being good. I haven't had Macca’s for 7 weeks, and I'm really missing it, very much. I hope you all loved my blog, Gipsy. Today’s blog is about my favourite food. I like pizza and any food. Most foods I like but some I do not like. No matter what you eat and what the family like to eat is different. It's okay if everyone likes different foods I always make sure when I cook that there is something everyone in the family will eat. . Any of that is a good way to make food. TJ Dear readers, Today’s topic is food for thought. What does that really mean? Something that is worth seriously thinking about and anything that provides mental nourishment. Let me tell you about my heritage for those who know my mum is from Serbia in Hungary and I grew up eating Hungarian food. My favourite is Langos which is a deep fried flatbread, and you can have it with sour cream, bacon pieces and onion. Sarma is stuffed cabbage rolls and you can eat it with sour cream and sourdough bread or no sour cream. Italian food like beef stroganoff, pizza mushroom risotto, pasta with mushroom and spinach, pork dumplings, lemon chicken, roast pork, leek soup, porterhouse steak and one last thing I want to add is scalloped potato. There are many more but I have to stop here because I don't have the time to continue. Those foods make me happy and I love making them with my family. What is your favourite food? Written by Charlotte WE WON A MILLION DOLLARS!
Do we have your attention yet? That truth is, we didn’t win a million dollars but if we did, what would we do with it? Ooh the possibilities. A house? A fancy car? A Disney holiday? Or maybe an ice cream van? Maybe we’ll buy two ice cream vans because we’re rich now! The possibilities are endless so let’s keep reading to find out how our team would spend one million dollars… I WON A MILLION DOLLARS!!!! Just kidding, but I would really love a million dollars to save in my bank account or for a rainy day. How are you my fellow readers? Here is my Karen move (lol)- Money is great and all, but I wouldn't use it to my advantage. Although I want to save the money, I would use half of it to travel with family. Bali is on my list and Disneyland again; Hong Kong Disney was great. What would you do with A MILLION DOLLARS?? A million dollars truly doesn't buy a lot, but we can all dream and cast our minds to 1986 when a million dollars was a lot of money. How would you spend one million dollars? I was actually talking to one of my best friends from school yesterday about heading on Deal or No Deal in the future and winning $100,000. But can you imagine if that was actually $1,000,000! Wow.! – Angelina So you just won a million dollars, you call all your friends and family with the news, you are lost for words trying to comprehend this victory, what now? Spend it or do some good and give some to charity? Or go on a world tour visiting all the wonders in the world? Well, I’ll tell you all that I would do with a million dollars right here right now. I would make a chart and organize the money right there with most of it being saved for a rainy day or as we call it investing, so around 40% of said money would be saved, so that calculates I will be saving $400,000 and that will leave me with $600,00 left over to spend as I wish. I shall donate $10,000 to cancer research as that charity holds dear to me, I also would plan out my 30th birthday and treat everyone to go to Japan in business class. I calculated would roughly be each $10,000 per person who will come along with me. I will pay for the hotels and the attractions during that time. I would also help pay off my family’s home loan and debts. But I still would have at least 200,000 left over. Time to go on a shopping spree with at least $50,000 as I don’t need much, I could also buy a couple of units and rent them out. – Holly If you won a million dollars, what would be your first move? My bank account is now overflowing with a million dollars, thanks to my recent win. Welcome back, my dear loving readers. Today we are blogging about what you would do if you won or had one million dollars. The quote of the day "Discover the easy way to grow your wealth and secure your future”. If I won or had one million dollars, I would first take a deep breath and let the news sink in. Then, I would give my family half of it as a token of appreciation for their unwavering support throughout my life. With the remaining amount, I would invest some of it to ensure that my financial future is secured before putting aside a portion of it into savings accounts where it could grow more. Thanks you so much for taking the time to read my blog. I appreciate your support and interest in my writing. Signing off with love, Kathryn (Katie) Hello to all my readers!! Welcome to this week's blog. We are blogging about what we would do with $1,000,000. Wow can you imagine! But how did I get the one million dollars you might ask? I got asked to be on a game show called Deal or No Deal where you can win money each night. It is on Channel 10. I won the one million dollars on the show and with my money, I bought myself a ticket to Disney Cruise. Oh My God! I’m pumped and excited to sing all the Disney songs like Let It Go from Frozen and, Under the Sea, from The Little Mermaid. There are so many songs to choose from when it comes to Disney flicks. I can’t wait to meet all the Disney characters and get selfies with them I will save some money for Disney accessories, so I have heaps of memories from this trip. Have you ever been on a cruise? I have heard from many people how good cruises are, especially the Disney Cruise. I imagine all the other cool activities I can explore during my time on the Disney cruise one day. Do you have a favourite Disney Character? There are so many to choose from but I can’t go past Mickey Mouse as he is the OG Disney character. It’s that time again, this week's joke is related to Disney Music. What do the seven dwarves sing if they see a rainbow on their way to the mine? High Hue, High Hue! Thanks again everyone, my favourite time of the week is writing my blog and knowing everyone loves to read it. – Scarlett I JUST WON 1 MILLION! Hello my beautiful readers today we are writing about what would you do with one million dollars. Here is what I would do with one million. I would buy some alcohol to celebrate and a new laptop for myself. I would save some money for a holiday, I would have some money for a shopping spree, I would buy some LED strips for my bed room, and I would buy a lot of energy drinks for myself my favourite are ultra rosa monsters. My first holiday will be to go to Bali with my neighbours and my family then after that holiday I will go to Queensland with my family. When my family and I go to Queensland I we will book the luxury room at Q1 hotel and we will be flying with Jet Star. Who says we can’t dream but I feel what I have on my list is doable even if I don’t have the one million. What would you do with one million dollars? Thankyou for reading my blog this week written by Alannah I went for a huge walk and there behind the tree was a bag. l just had to open it. Can you believe what I am about to tell you? In that bag, that big, colourful, tie-dyed bag, was ONE MILLION DOLLARS, Wow! Hi lovely fan club, today's topic is what would you do if you had $1,000,000. I would buy a house for the three girls, myself and my friends Jess and Umbrella Support Worker Sheridan. We would chat all day and all night, and we would do a lot of girly things together like going out shopping, have lunch together, see movies together, karaoke and we could dance the night away. We would cook together, go to concerts together and see artists like Taylor Swift and Delta Goodrem. What would you do if you had $1,000,000? I have a riddle for you this week: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I? An echo. Thank you for reading my blog, lots of love, your bubbly friend Bethany CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE WON $1,000,000!! Hello Friends, Isn't that the attention grabber! I'm sorry to say that I didn't win $1,000,000. I don't expect to see that amount of money in my lifetime, I'm not saying it will never happen because goodness knows anything can happen but I'm quite happy to be grateful for what I have got in life not what I haven't. Look at me being all wise! Today's blog post is about what I would do if I had $1,000,000. Maybe I won it, maybe it fell out of the sky or someone generous gave it to me. I’m going to be honest here, it wouldn't matter how I got the money I would feel anxious and a little uncomfortable with having such a large amount of money. I'm proud to say that I'm a bit of a weirdo like that. What would I do with it though? In true Shan style, I would think of others first, more specifically my family because I feel since they have raised me and taught me how to be a good human, that I should look after them and help them out a bit. If they will allow me to. My plan would be to sit my family (the ones I live with) down and work out if there is anything that needs to be paid off, it would feel nice to be able to take away some of the money stresses if there are any. I would like to buy my sister a car, a Hyundai Veloster, we could make a day of it and have a super dooper fun sister day and I could fly my bestest friend in the whole wide world and her adorable family down from N.S.W. and we could all do car shopping with my sister. I would like to get a tiny house, something I could put close to where I live now and make it my own. Just something cozy and small just for me and all my possessions. That would be lovely, and a big goal accomplished too. Oh, and maybe I'd get a giant Unicorn too! Now it’s time for you, our beautiful readers, to think about what you would do with $1,000,000 and would it change the way you view money? Have an absolutely smashing day my friends! - Shan. Hello my readers I have a conundrum, What would you do if you had one million dollars, If I had one million dollars in my bank account I will buy a big house with my partner Robert the house will have 3 bedrooms. One of the rooms will be used for my craft and Robert will want a decent size backyard to build his man cave. I will save some of the money towards my wedding and I already have a vision of doing the wedding in my backyard, with caterers preparing the food and of course I will have the money to hire a wedding planner who is going to help me organise the wedding of my dreams. I want an intimate wedding which means my family and my close friends only will be invited. I will save some of the money for a long holiday and it will be our honeymoon present. I will book a nice resort on the Gold Coast. What would you do with all this money? Love from Jess Hello all! Who can remember my blog last week? It was all about my plans to change my budgeting and my finance. Here is part two, and I have some new ideas. I will be setting a daily budget for coffees and for cold drinks, and not go over. I will put money into different envelopes so I can keep on track. Number one envelope is the Frank Green envelope, number two is the notebook and journal envelope and number three is the wants envelope. Each week I will put $5 into each of these envelopes. An easy way to save money is to save loose change. This is all a big change for me and I am positive I will make really great progress. I will keep you all updated on my new finance journey. I really hope you all loved my blog and had some tips for you all. – Gipsy Dear readers, I have a question: What would you do with one million dollars? What would you buy? What would you spend it on? Let me tell you about what I would do if I had a million dollars. Well, first off I would donate half a million dollars to the Royal Children's Hospital on Good Friday, during the Good Friday Appeal. I would buy a decent sized house with a big black security gate, and I would get security cameras with the rest of the money. The Royal Children Hospital has a special place in my heart and that’s why I would donate half a million to them to help the kids. Written by Charlotte |
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