Are you a morning or night person? I’m happy to say, for me, I’m all about the mornings. I just love seeing the sunrise and enjoying the start of a new day from the comfort of my bed with a coffee in hand and my toy poodle Mavis by my side. It’s how I start every single day. I like to ease my way into the day early in silence and calmness before the chaos of traffic and the reality that each day can be so busy. I don’t eat breakfast which I know isn’t great. I must work on that. Having a good healthy breakfast sets you up for a great day…
Let’s see what our team share this week about their routines. - Cindy Hello my fan club and welcome to my morning and night routines. Monday, I’m awake by about 6:40am to lay there playing games. I get up to get my bag ready with some snacks, then do my teeth then the taxi will pick me up at 8:11am, to go to the centre. Then I come home to chill. Tuesday is my volunteering placement. I get my lunch out and have something to eat for breakfast then leave to get the 893 bus at 8:11 to work. I like to see what needs to be done then I get started. Break time is at 10:30am for 15 minutes then back to work, then lunch break at 12:30pm. Kerry and Tildy drop me home at the end of the day. On Wednesday's is a home day where I get a chance to catch up on housework, or I’m out with Michelle for the day, and we get lots of jobs done. On Thursday is the day I have blogging. What is blogging? It’s were we write about a topic, I get a taxi at 8:15am then write away, then I have lunch with my friends from Hellow MEDIA Friends before home time, then relaxing. Then chill at night watching Home and Away. Then come to Friday's I’m cooking up a storm with my support Vicki. We pay a visit to the cafe then shopping then home to cook yummy foods then clean up the mess. On Saturday is bowling so I'm up early to be picked up. I also bowl, then shopping or go home to chill and watch Netflix. Then Sunday is my rest day. Most nights I’m in bed at 7:30 - 8:00pm My phone and tv and lights are out at 10:00 then my week will go all over again. How does your morning routine work? – Jess C Let's talk about routines... Hello Friends, How important is having a routine to you? Is it something you do religiously or do you subscribe to chaos and just throw together a plan that differs from day to day. I obviously don't enjoy chaos so when I don't do all the preparation I need for my routines I can almost guarantee that I will be completely frazzled and possibly behind in getting anything done. Routines are important to me because otherwise I struggle to function, as much as I'd like to just wing my days every day and just be the picture of spontaneity, it’s just not going to happen on a day-to-day basis. I'm not saying I can’t be flexible because I can, there's just a bit of work I must do for myself and for my mind to get there first. I do sometimes wonder if those of you out there find going with the flow hard work at any point? It’s an honest question meant with all kindness, and I believe that even though it’s not super structured it’s still a routine of sorts. While I can appreciate being free to go with the flow, for me it doesn’t work because I get anxious, and I forget things if I haven’t got them written down and by the end of the day, I’m emotionally and physically drained and exhausted. I'm going to talk about the preparation I do for my morning routine to go smoothly, I have a small whiteboard that I will write down all the things that I need to do the next day. (For example; walking the dog). I will get my outfit ready for the next day and have it out and ready for the morning. If I need lunch, I will pack it into my lunch box and then get my bag ready with everything that I might need for the next day. I charge my phone, watch and laptop if I need it the next day. Sometimes I need to hype myself up to have a shower because it's cold in the bathroom and I do not enjoy the cold! I also try to make sure to say goodnight to everyone in my family because it feels super important. That’s only a small snapshot of my routines because sharing the entire process feels like a lot for not only me but for you as readers as well. No doubt I've probably forgotten something as well because that is something that happens. Most of the time I don’t think we think about what our own routines look like or write about them like we are today. Have a think about your routine, are you grateful for your routine and is it the same for you every day or does it change depending on what your day looks like? I want everyone to pat yourselves on the back today for being who you are and doing your best in life! Be kind to yourselves and drink some water! Your Friend, Shan. Hello friends, welcome to this sunny day! Today's topic is morning and night routines - do you have one or both? For those who don't know me, I'll share my morning routine. My alarm goes off at seven am. and I start my day by getting dressed, including my socks and shoes. I sometimes remember to put perfume or body spray on, and then put on my Apple Watch. Next, I say good morning to my mum and siblings. After that, I brush my hair, teeth, and clean my glasses before putting them on. I prepare my lunch and snacks, making sure I'm ready for the day. Once my family is dressed and ready, we gather our things and head out to start the car. We drop my siblings off at school, and then my mum drives me to my support group and when my mum can’t my support worker Deb will drive me which by the way is an awesome lady. On Friday mornings, I am at a café program and I enjoy horse riding in the afternoon with my support worker. I also love Thursday’s, as I spend the day with my support group which is called Just Write and Hellow Media engaging in activities like blogging, writing, media, and being in front of the camera. We work on recording, and teamwork, which helps me step out of my comfort zone and not giving up. The best part of day is seeing my friends and having support around me. Thanks for reading my blog, loves. Have a wonderful rest of your day from your bubbly friend, Bethany. My morning's look like this... Every morning my dog wakes me up because he needs to go do dog business. He always starts with a quiet bark, then he goes to a medium level. And then he goes for a loud bark to wake me up. And since I'm a type one diabetic I gotta do my blood sugar levels and do my needles. Then I make myself toast. Do a couple of stuff with Mum that I need to do like taking the rubbish out. I need to make sure I am on time for my Uber so I need to check in with the time all morning. On Thursday’s I get up in the morning around 8:00 a.m, organise myself an Uber and have breakfast. And then wait for the Uber driver to pick me up and go to blogging and media. My night time routine is very full, I get home, I make sure the dogs and cat are all good. I also have to make sure my blood sugars are ok before heading to bed. – Ryan Hi my readers, today’s blog is about what I would do in my morning and night routine. Here’s what I would do in the morning, my alarm wakes me up at seven fifteen am, I will lay in bed for five more minutes before I wake up, I go to the toilet then after that I, have a shower at seven twenty am and ten minute shower after that I get dressed then I go out to the kitchen and get my lunch, snack, and my water bottle ready, put my lunchbox in my bag and my water bottle, after I do that I have about twenty minutes until me and my mum have to leave. We leave my house at eight fifteen am, and I go to Umbrella for the morning. This is normally my everyday routine except when I don't have anything planned for the day then I will just laze around. Here's my night routine. My afternoon routine starts by me unpacking my bag, then go to my bed and go on my phone then around. At four thirty pm my neighbours kids (both girls) come over for a play and usually stay for dinner. Then once they leave I go back to my bed and play Fortnite or Forza for about three hours. I usually FaceTime Katie on snapchat some days, after that, I turn my Xbox and TV on and watch YouTube for the rest of the night. At night I like to chill in my bedroom, I usefully listen to music with my air pods for thirty minutes. It's usually me listening to Spotify. I like to listen to country music most of the time, then I turn my TV off before bed and then scroll on social media a few minutes before I go to bed for the rest of the night. Thank you for reading my blog this week Alannah. Dear readers, today's topic is about routines. Let me start telling you about my night routine. Every night I start my routine by preparing for the next day. I like to get organised the day before because I have difficulty waking up in the morning. My night routine starts by setting my alarm on my phone, getting my outfit ready for the day, my snack, my lunch and after I shower then I get dressed in my comfy pyjamas and that is basically it I'm ready for bed. Just before bed I like to read a book or spend time with my family watching TV. I would like to skip my morning routine but I can't because my annoying alarm keeps going off!!!!!!! I start my morning by having a drink of Gatorade or Coke and then I get dressed for the day and wait for a taxi to take me where I need to go. If I don't need to go anywhere I like to sleep in. What do you do for your routine? Written by Charlotte Welcome back, my dear readers. I apologize for my recent absence. Today, we are blogging about our daily routine or schedule for the day and night. The Quote Of The Day “Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?" What would your daily routine look like? Today, I am writing about my daily routine. What does your daily routine look like? Creating a routine can be difficult for some. It’s important for people to have a routine in life. I can relate to the difficulty of having a routine. My morning routine changes based on my daily tasks. So normally I wake up at 5:30 am or 6:00 am, spending ten minutes in bed to ensure I'm fully awake. Sometimes, I need to use the toilet. Then I find my clothes for the day and take a shower if needed. Afterward, I feed my cats and prepare for my day. In the afternoon, I return home, put my shoes away, and jump into bed to cuddle my cats while watching TV and chatting with friends. I have dinner at 5:30 or 6pm, I would think about what happened on the day. Then I would take a shower, complete my skincare routine, watch movies or tv shows in bed while cuddling with my cats or sometimes miss Suki. Then I would make sure I’m in bed on time Thanks You For Reading My Blog Signing Out My Readers Kathryn
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